S14E1: Myth: The Rapture Is Not in the Bible!

The Prophecy Pros bust the myth that the rapture is not found in the Bible. **LATEST BOOK RELEASES FROM THE PROPHECY PROS** Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now   Listen to the Prophecy Pros Podcast and other faith-based podcasts on the Edifi Podcast Network Produced by...

S13E12: Q&A: Your Questions Answered

In their season finale, the Prophecy Pros reunite with Kari Duffy to address compelling questions from their podcast audience. Join them for another insightful session as they provide clarity and wisdom on various topics related to prophecy, faith, and navigating the...

S13E11: Hope – The Emotions of Eschatology

Tune in to the Prophecy Pros as they delve into the profound meaning of biblical hope, its crucial significance, and its profound relevance in the context of the last days. Discover where this enduring hope is rooted and how understanding it can bring clarity and...