Meet The Pros

Who is Jeff Kinley?
Jeff Kinley empowers people with God’s Vintage Truth. He is the author of more than 30 books and speaks all across America, motivating Christians to live for Christ and to prepare for His soon coming. Like those 1st-century Christians who received the life-changing message of Revelation, Jeff will persuade you to live with a sense of urgency and hope, awaiting the Lord’s return. His Wake the Bride book is a great call to holy living, while his other recent works, As It Was in the Days of Noah, and Uncovering the Secrets of Bible Prophecy equip, challenge and inspire us with prophetic truth. His weekly VintageTruth Podcast is heard in over 60 countries.
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Who is Todd Hampson?
Todd Hampson is a best-selling author, speaker, illustrator, and animation producer. Todd has a burden to reach the next generation with the Gospel through the convincing proofs of Bible prophecy and apologetics—the very things that led to his salvation as a teenager. In 2003 Todd founded Timbuktoons, LLC, an award-winning animation company that develops and produces cartoons for well-known children’s ministry resource providers, global mission organizations, Christian entertainment companies, & curriculum developers. His best-selling books, The Non-Prophet’s Guide™ to the End-Times, and The Non-Prophet’s Guide™ to the Book of Revelation have opened up the world of Bible prophecy and eschatology to a new generation of truth-seekers.
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